Re-Imagine the Future Brand Development 2022


A System of Systems


Village 3.0

What is a community?

For many, when we talk about natural bounty, we think about an exceptional state of being. A place or feeling of extraordinary richness. But these riches have always been ours. Systems thinking allows humans to realize solutions to the big problems. Working sustainably with nature, protecting natural resources.

Cultural grounding

How do we do it? Distributed problem solving, production, and generative consumption minimize impacts to the planet.

Future State Focus

Respect for those around us and for the gifts nature provides are the keys to maintaining liveability.

Healthy Minds and Bodies

Mental and physical health improve.

Effective Governance

Food insecurity, poverty, and trauma are reduced.

Prosperous Business

Creativity and innovation thrive.

Welcome to The Village of the Future.


A Network of Networks 

It is,most precisely, a network of networks, Water and Water Based Resources (Blue), Information, Emergency Response and Education (Yellow), Fisheries, Mariculture and Fisheries Management Technologies (Pink), Finance and Economics (White), and LAN/WAN Cnnectivity (Purple/Circles).

The diagram is intended to help visualize a high-level overview of a system that provides access to research, health care and telemedicine, dentistry, grants and contracting (8A and other), payment and engagement with supply chain partners/service providers, training and education, which together build a flexible, variable pathway to community capacity building on site.

It this way also, it addresses the problem of brain drain and the presumed necessity for youth to leave their families, cultural life, and villages for education and jobs, which can cause cultural dislocation, disassociation, community and family breakdown and trauma.

The system is designed to reach, and help indigenous, remote and rural communities build desired capacities within a cultural context, stimulating local innovation and providing the tools and instruction to do so. It allows for the integration of new tools including generative AI for business management and fisheries health and productivity optimization, blockchain, for provenance/authentication, perishable goods handling and dating information, an verification of shipping and transfer by plane and drone. 

The diagram highlights a base set of opportunities and concerns, but is in no way complete, as this depends on the work of cultural liaisons, translational leadership on the ground, participation of Elders, and ongoing stakeholder participation in design and implementation.  


Encinitas Return on Communitty Campaign 2013


Design Science begins with conversations, research, and information gathering including extensive interviews with stakeholders.

Design Science

What is a meme?

Website Rebrand RLA | ECO 2007





Wolf Tracker App,2012


Device and Where I am

Aggregate Narrative